
The mouse died
With its lips inverted it lay
Wet and cold
No blood running
Through its veins

It just lay there
As a lifeless lump
For their father
Had drowned him
Along with the trap
In a bucketful of water

The mouse died in pain
With an agonizing cry
But the kids didn't notice
For the drowning mouse
And his struggle
Were fun to watch

It wasn't long before
When the kids poked the mouse
With a sharp wooden stick
The trapped mouse
Full of fear
Would frighten them
When it jumped in pain
They jumped in fear too
But hardly realized
It was the mouse
That was the most frightened
Of them all

The man drowned the mouse
To a shivering cold death
Accusing it
Of breaking into his wooden house
And tearing his
Linen fabrics
And his cotton suit

The kids watched their father
Carry the poor mouse
By his tail
And walk to the woods
Where he'd fling the dead thing
And leave it become
A carrion

The poor mouse returned dead
To the woods
But maybe
It wouldn’t be dead already
If it were there
Dwelling in the woods all along
It was a battle of fears
And the murderer won
